Reassess your life story, Libra. The Moon will still be in Sagittarius as we start the week, reminding us how important it is to find our joy. On Monday, the Moon will come into a stretching connection with Venus, inviting you to become more curious when it comes to the meaning of connection. Try to go with the flow and to embrace the things that take you on adventures. On Tuesday, we start the day off with the Moon in Capricorn, making the next couple of days about taking responsibility for the life we wish to lead. The Moon will come into a tense connection with Jupiter in the afternoon. Move closer towards the alliances, friendships and romances that light your fire and expand your life. Are you ready to let go of the relations where you don’t feel secure? You can prepare for the Full Moon in Capricorn happening on Wednesday by saying goodbye to the traditions that don’t encourage your autonomy.