Take time to rest and recharge this weekend, Libra. The Waxing Gibbous Moon in the healing sign of Virgo comes into a Full Moon on Saturday, highlighting your area of spirituality, endings, and deep inner healing. You’re being called to tend to your wounds and to nurture the spaces in your life where you’ve suffered. This is a great time to get in touch with your bodily needs and your need for emotional sustenance. Venus, the Planet of Love, in Aquarius, encourages dreaming up new ways of being in relationship with yourself and others. You can come up with some pretty out-of-the-box ideas on how to improve your life through social interaction, especially as we approach the Jupiter semi-square Neptune aspect, setting the stage for expansive and imaginative thinking in your relationships. Mercury enters Pisces on Friday, encouraging you to practice fulfilling your responsibilities while staying open to inspiration.