Libra, check in on which relationships are valuable and which only take up your time. The Moon moves from dreamy Pisces into energetic Aries on Monday and will be there during the days leading up to the Eclipse. Try to remain aware and in touch with what’s going on within, especially when it comes to your commitments to your lovers, associates and besties. It’s a good time to reevaluate (maybe just with yourself first) where you stand with each of your close partnerships. Mercury comes into a balanced connection with Pluto on Wednesday as well, helping you to become more empowered when it comes to the resources you share with your family members. If things are a bit murky, it may be time to talk it out and get clear on what belongs to who. On Thursday, the Moon joins forces with Chiron, offering you the space to check in on how much you’ve healed when it comes to being your true self in relationship.