Capricorn, your soul calling is getting louder. We have some beautiful days lined up, with the moon in fiery Sagittarius making harmonious connections to both Venus (planet of love and beauty) and Jupiter (planet of expansion). Capricorn, because this all activates your sector of spiritual connection and higher truths, there’s a chance you’ll be feeling more spiritually tuned in than you have for a while. It’ll be worth slowing down and deeply taking in the beauty around you – this in itself, can become a portal to finding your truth and alignment. On October 2nd, Mercury ends its retrograde, in the sign of Virgo. This will likely feel like a big exhale, accompanied by a sense of coming full circle. You might notice yourself feeling more restless, ready for the new thing and adventures. If this is the case: go with it! Trust your gut and enjoy where you end up.