The days after a full moon are most ideal for rest, reflection, and regeneration. This full moon’s effects are going to be more potently felt by all the signs, due to a planetary square that was formed to Uranus, the Planet of Revolution, in the sign of Taurus. There’s a collective push and pull between tradition and innovation. This weekend Capricorn, you’ll want to have more fun! The Moon will be in Pisces, and this helps soften your edges and makes you more approachable to others. People may want to spend more time near you for this reason, so don’t be surprised. Let the love in. You’ve been working quite hard this month, but you truly don’t have to. Retrograde season, plus the full moon, is inviting you to mellow out and let your inner child take the lead as you play, play, and play some more! Play my track “Passion Play” (available on YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify, etc…) if you’d like some cosmic inspiration!