The first Full Moon of the year is happening on Friday at 6:08 pm EST, in the tradition loving sign of Cancer. Capricorn, this full moon is an invitation to offer yourself the compassion you yearn for, and from there extend it out to others. Cultivate a soft place for you to come into whenever you need it, cultivate patience for yourself and your process, and from there see how much space you have to offer the same for others. Give yourself all of the nourishment you’re in need of, and then see how much you have to give. Creating this place of compassion for yourself is the best thing you can do for the people you share your life with. On Saturday, Mercury retrograde enters the heart of the Sun in the sign of Capricorn, bringing secrets to us from the depths of the underworld. Remain open to listen, it will spark moments of clarity and inspiration regarding your journey of self-discovery.