Believe in yourself dear Capricorn. Today the moon moves into Gemini, while the sun forms a harmonious connection to Jupiter, the planet of abundance. These planetary vibes will have us feeling refreshed, reinspired and somewhat renewed. Areas of our lives which seemed murky might just start clear up, through an epiphany or new perspective. There’s a clear way forward. Capricorn, the universe is prompting you to look at themes of self-criticism. You might be feeling more aware of negative patterns and limiting beliefs rising to the surface… or themes that you’ve ignored might come back to the forefront. Pay close attention to this process and feel the empowerment of awareness. You are the master of your thoughts – and you have the ability to choose better ones that will actually uplift you. There’s an old paradigm: that harshness towards ourselves is what’s required to succeed. This is simply not true. Capricorn, become your own cheerleader and notice how much changes.