Capricorn, treat yourself right. Today the same fiery and proactive energy that surrounded our last New Moon continues, as the Sun comes into a harmonious connection with Mars. This beautiful planetary energy might feel like a sword of light slicing through the last weeks of (comparative) confusion. Capricorn, the Sun in Aries shines rays upon our unique and individual experiences. Suddenly, we matter the most again. Meanwhile, Mars in Gemini opens us up to an abundance of new options, possibilities and potential pathways for achieving our dreams. For you specifically, this moves through your sector of health and lifestyle. It’s time to ignite your motivation towards self-care. Why not make a new fitness or health routine? Or simply mix up an old one. Find ways to nurture yourself with healthy food, exercise and rest – in a way that feels good. Tip: with an abundance of fire energy in the planets, remember to drink plenty of water today.