On Wednesday, the Moon meets Uranus in the sign of Taurus. This could result in either some pleasant surprises… or emotional upsets, over the next few days. The first earth sign of the zodiac, Taurus is one we should be familiarizing ourselves with – as the Lunar North Node shifts there in January. This means that soon, the bulk of our collective learnings will be centered around this sign. Capricorn, for you there’s a focus here on self-expression and authenticity. Over the next few days, it will be powerful to bring your awareness to any areas where you feel restricted or unable to be your true self. If this arises, ask yourself why and what you’re afraid of. Inauthenticity may start to feel increasingly uncomfortable… but the good news is, this just means you’re becoming more authentically you. Over the next few days, the universe reminds you there’s no need to act like anyone other than the beautiful being you already are.