We’ve just experienced the final New Moon of 2023 — a Sagittarius New Moon which struck on an ascension portal date 12/12. Thanks to our collective efforts, faith, optimism, intention, and bold actions, humanity will improve for the better these next six months, as we’re living through one of the largest consciousness shifts in history. The global suffering and grief we’re experiencing will start to decrease in intensity as we rise against societal injustices and remember that we are all one. Cancer, since you’re ruled by the Moon you’re most likely quite activated right now. You’re feeling the call to create more structure in your life, so that you can experience greater freedom. The easiest way to do this is to have less on your plate altogether, which means delegating tasks or saying no to responsibilities or opportunities that feel draining. And you don’t have to over explain yourself either. If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.