KnowCancers Scope July 27, 2024

Dear Skymates, I kindly interrupt your normal daily horoscope programming to let you know that the paperback version of my astrology book comes out soon, on August 6, and i’m offering a personalized compatibility report to those who preorder and submit their receipt via my site by Aug 6th 🙂 If you’ve been a fan of KTZ’s free horoscopes this past decade, we’d love for you to show us some love beyond your likes and pre-order S&S if you feel called. This book will help you understand your astrological compatibility with all 12 zodiac signs, and your bonus compatibility report will give you a deeper awareness of your astro connection with the skymate of your choice. Thank you to everyone who already has pre-ordered my book. If you haven’t yet, you can do so via the link in my bio ( I appreciate you all! Love, Dossé-Via

KnowCancers Scope July 26, 2024

With today’s Aries Moon void of course, we should focus on the connections between our personal dynamics, our actions and intentions, and the world at large. For you, Cancer, do something today that re-energizes your mind and soul. You may have been dealing with several hurdles physically, spiritually or relationally recently, but this Aries Moon is helping you become more accepting of what’s not in your control. The pressure you’ve put on yourself to be ‘perfect’ must come to an end —come back home to who you are at your core. With Chiron stationing to go direct today, it’s inviting you to embrace healing and growth in your career. The next five months will be about transforming past wounds regarding your place in the world into wisdom.

KnowCancers Scope July 25, 2024

Today, Cancer, try to find a balance between dreaming and doing. We are in the last days of July, and today begins with a spiritual and dreamy Pisces Moon before we transition into an Aries Moon late in the morning, followed by Mercury entering Virgo in the evening. With today’s toned-down vibes, we help the cosmos adjust to the fast-approaching new cycles. This means anything you’ve been working on during Mercury in Leo (since July 2nd) can make great progress toward completion these days. In moments of frustration or doubt, remember that your biggest responsibility right now is to maintain hope. Don’t go overboard always being prepared for the worst. Practice faith by cultivating optimism when things seem unknowable.

KnowCancers Scope July 24, 2024

Cancer, as we approach the dark phase of the Moon, we’re collectively feeling the end of a chapter coming fast. You might start by focusing on what’s happening in your house of expansion before turning your attention to your own needs. Today, you may find yourself aligning your dreams with others’ ideals without feeling that everyone should have access to what they want at all times. Just notice as it happens and take note. Can you find a space for expansion, learning, or exploration within your new ethics and choices? Remember that if what you do in the world is genuine, it will also be healing by default. When you are able to be straightforward, you have a greater capacity to clear out the obstacles in front of you.

KnowCancers Scope July 23, 2024

The day kicks off with the Moon in Aquarius, so it’s a great time to do something that feels purposeful to us. Later in the morning, the Moon moves into Pisces, nudging us to focus on what’s essential and to eliminate what isn’t. Cancer, it may be time for you to have a direct conversation with someone about a topic you’ve been tiptoeing around. Your ruling planet is on your side now, making it easier for you to deepen connections by facing your collective present reality head-on. You’ll feel so free afterward. With the Sun conjunct Pluto today, it’s a powerful time for letting go of old baggage. Dive into those intense emotions tugging at your heartstrings. Trust the process. You’ll come out stronger and more empowered.

KnowCancers Scope July 22, 2024

Treat yourself to what your heart, tears, and prayers have manifested in the final days of Cancer Season. The Moon in Aquarius is inspiring you to love daringly—to take emotional risks that help you make genuine connections with those who get your true essence. It might take a bit to get comfy as we enter Leo Season because you may feel as if others misunderstand you and project their own issues onto you. But this time of introspection will be like a spiritual massage, helping you let all the haters bounce off like rubber, while those who vibe with you stick around no matter what. Be bold in your close relationships—dare to be real and vulnerable, but don’t give yourself away for free.