The Moon spends the morning void in the sign of Pisces, making it a good time to tie up loose ends. Then at 10:05am EST it shifts into Aries for the next 2.5 days and forms a harmonious alignment with the Sag Sun. We’ll collectively feel a boost in momentum. Cancer, there’s a transformative lunar eclipse in Gemini happening in six days, and you may already be feeling its energy because you’re ruled by the Moon and therefore extra sensitive to its phases — particular lunar eclipses. Use the energy of today’s self-reliant Aries Moon to schedule time off from your regular work flow for next week, since it’ll be eclipse season. Gift yourself rest and more ease, even if it’s 30 minutes or 1 hour less than what you usually do. You’ll notice that by pre-scheduling moments of care, it starts to become an ingrained habit and sustainable pattern that leads to long-term healing. Keep putting yourself first, my love. Even if it feels weird.