Aries, what’s ready to go? We have grounding and beautiful vibes coming through, with the Moon making harmonious connections to Mercury in Virgo. We’ll also still be feeling the clarifying effects of Mercury, which has just stationed direct. This, plus the moon connecting with Venus on Tuesday, make these days feel brighter, and that little bit lighter. Aries, you might be noticing a subtle magnification of what feels out of alignment for you. This doesn’t have to be uncomfortable, it’s simply indication of a need for change. The next few days will be powerful for considering any of your limiting beliefs when it comes to your potential. Which of these are yours, versus what you were simply told by others? Notice any belief systems which detract from your confidence. They may have once protected you, but now – you’re ready for a new and more empowered way of perceiving yourself. Time to stop playing smaller than you are.