Congratulations, Aries — you’ve made it through the final eclipse of 2022! We won’t be experiencing another Total Lunar Eclipse until 2025, so this is a significant milestone. We’ll still feel the eclipse energy for two more weeks though, so pace yourself as you embrace your rebirth. For you, this eclipse activated your sector of abundance, helping you ask for what you need — from yourself first and foremost. Chiron, the asteroid that deals with our inner wounds, is retrograde in your sign until December 23, so this month’s energy is helping you tap into your insecurities in order to find healthy ways to release your grip on them. Let yourself be imperfect and you’ll see how much more the world falls in love with you. If there’s something in your life you can do or receive to feel more emotionally or financially secure, use the current Gemini Moon to ask for it — but since your ruler Mars is currently retrograde in Gemini, you’ll also have to practice having patience and keeping the faith.