Wednesday begins with a Capricorn Moon void of course period that lasts for most of the workday before the Moon enters socially active Aquarius during the late that afternoon. With so much focus on Pisces, you may find yourself with heightened intuition and the desire to look beneath the surface of recent facts and figures. Aries, take a look at your career and public persona from a higher, more detached vantage point. This is an ideal time to focus on completion, and that means getting rid of any activities that do not lead to your highest growth. As you focus simply on what’s optimizing your path of success, put greater attention on what cultivates inner peace and therefore a healthier lifestyle. What kind of people and groups uplift you, allow you to be more yourself, and offer you a sense of belonging? Say yes to the social activities that support your growth, and also give you the opportunity to let loose and have some fun.