As the Sun enters Aries on Tuesday, giving way to the new astrological year, you’ll find your approach becomes more direct and assertive, perfectly aligning with your fiery nature. This period heralds a time for bold, passionate, and action-oriented vibes. For you, Aries, it’s a powerful moment to set intentions, especially with Mars energizing your sector of innovation and community in Aquarius. You’re being encouraged to let go of any limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from living your fullest life. Dare to dream the impossible dream, and then dare to make it your reality. You have the power to do so, but it begins by believing in yourself and your journey. The Moon will be in Cancer until Tuesday afternoon offering you some nurturing vibes, and then it will transition into the sign of Leo for the next 2.5 days, making it an ideal time to focus on what you wish to manifest.