Aries, ask some big questions. Today is one to start shifting your gaze inward, as tomorrow marks the Dark of the Moon period – the last three days of the Lunar cycle. This time creates a spaciousness for the upcoming Aries New Moon (the first of the astrological year). Astrology is the study of natural rhythms and cycles, one of which is the lunar cycle. The DOM is a time to go inward, and to face the shadows we carry. Its energy carries a quiet, healing wisdom. Aries, you’re experiencing the build-up to the powerful New Moon in your own sign. This is a pivotal time for you to get deep about your self-concept. What are you doing here, and why? Are you already on your way, or have you steered off course? It’s time to get reacquainted with your vision so that you can truly harness the manifestation potential of the New Moon in your sign.