Aries, ready…set…go. Today the same fiery and proactive energy that surrounded our Aries New Moon continues, as the Sun comes into a harmonious connection with Mars. This beautiful planetary energy might feel like a sword of light slicing through the last weeks of (comparative) confusion. The Sun in your sign shines rays upon our unique and individual experiences. Suddenly, we matter the most again. Meanwhile, Mars in Gemini opens us up to an abundance of new options, possibilities and potential pathways for achieving our dreams. Aries, as you’re heading into the closing days of your season, good news: a final burst of auspiciousness is heading your way. Today, pay particular attention to any synchronicity, or sparks of inspiration that arise in the realms of communication. That could mean something like a passage out of a book, an overheard conversation, or simply a chat with a friend. Stay open and receptive to new ideas.