Skymates, get excited! Yesterday we saw Saturn finally move out of Capricorn, to enter Aquarius (where it’s going to stay for the next few years). Saturn rules our structures, governments and authorities. When it’s in Capricorn we see values of conservatism, traditionalism and patriarchy rise to the surface. It becomes a fight-to-survive world, with a focus on material wealth. When Saturn moves into Aquarius, things get a whole lot lighter. The focus moves onto communication, connectivity and beautifully: social progress. Aries, air-element energy infuses you with a lightness of being that propels you forward even faster. You’ll enjoy this. For you, this is a time to really think about the impact your words, actions and choices have upon your broader community. How can you personally work to bring about the changes that you would like to see in the world? This could be as small as smiling at strangers… or starting a movement. The sky’s the limit dear Aries.