Aquarius, it’s time to ask yourself the big questions. The next few days carry some powerful cosmic energies, with Mercury first ending its retrograde in Taurus. As this illuminates your sector of emotional wellbeing, it will be a good time to slow it down and connect deeply with your inner world. This can create a foundation of balance and strength – the perfect lens through which you can navigate Saturn retrograde which begins on June 4th. The planet moves retrograde up until mid-October – and is doing so in your sign! Aquarius, this means you are being powerfully invited to re-examine the structures and foundations of your life and identity. Is the work that you do aligned with the truth of who you are? Are you creating as positive an impact on the world, as you would like? Saturn has a reputation for bringing us the obstacles that challenge us to grow. The cool thing; is that with this awareness, you’ll be able to seamlessly overcome them. You’re ready!