Dare to dream deep, Aquarius. The Moon will hang out in Scorpio Friday through Saturday, bringing some warm, intimate and healing energy to your area of professional pursuits. On Friday, if you find yourself talking too much or oversharing, reel it in. Even if it’s with a very close loved one, this may not be the best time to say more than what you mean. On Saturday, Mercury and Jupiter come into a tense connection. You may be flooded with things to do, and having a hard time finding the concentration to get it done. If this is the case, cut yourself some slack. Find a balance, and take several intentional breathers throughout the day. As Sunday begins, the Moon shifts into expansive Sag shining a light on your area of networks and friendships. Trust in the ripple effect that you create every time you show up for others. Give wholeheartedly and it will perpetually be paid forward.