Key themes: healing process, adventure, finances, intimacy, philosophical expansion.
The month of September opens up with Venus —the planet of love, intimacy and beauty— entering the service-driven sign of Virgo until the 29th. Be gentle with yourself if anxiety emerges. Venus is inviting you to tap into the potential of turning your pain into beauty. You can transform your grief, your loss, your sorrow into poetry and art. It doesn’t have to be for the world to see. It can be just for you, and your intimate circle if you wish. This is about your healing process.
On the 9th, Mercury —the Messenger— will station to go retrograde in the balancing sign of Libra, inviting you to explore the roadless path. This is not about an outer journey. This is a time to go within, to explore the landscapes of your inner world that have yet to be touched upon. Don’t get scared if your ideas of the world begin to shift, if your philosophies begin to waver. Hold space for new truths to arise.
The Full Moon in the dreamy sign of Pisces will happen on the 10th, at 5:59am EST, shining a light on the things that help you feel anchored and embodied in this world. Your relationship with money is very intuitive. The normal ways of dealing with budgets doesn’t seem to work for you. If you’re feeling stuck or lost within your financial world, this is a great time to consult alternative sources of knowledge on the matter.
On the 22nd, the Sun’s exit from Virgo will give way to Libra Season, highlighting your need for adventure. This could be a time to travel if you’ve been feeling the urge. To roam and explore new terrains of your mind. Start a new course of study. Cross towards an uncharted spiritual path. Remain open to the things that come your way. If you get ‘a feeling’ about something, pay attention to it. Messages will be coming in from the most unexpected of places.
Mercury, still retrograde, will move back into Virgo on the 23rd, leading you to review your intimate exchanges, and the situations or conversations that came up within your collaborations during August 20th to 25th. Give yourself time to mull things over without jumping to conclusions just yet. You’ll be able to see things more clearly and have more fluid conversations during the first couple of weeks of October.
The New Moon in Libra will happen on the 25th, at 5:54pm EST, bringing your attention to the things that are keeping you from opening up to the kind of expansion you desire. You can’t go back, you can’t change the past. If you keep trying to do so, you’ll probably get stuck. But what you can change is the present. You’re being invited to invest in yourself and in the path you’re currently on. It’s time for you to have the courage to truly honor where you’ve come from, so you can keep opening up new and brighter worlds for yourself.
Finally, on the 29th, Venus enters its home sign of Libra, uplifting the energy of the New Moon. You’ll be able to connect with the pleasure of what’s yet to be discovered. Allow yourself to be seduced by the mysteries of the cosmos.