The Moon is currently in Taurus moving through in your sector of home, family and roots. On a mundane level, it’s a good time to cleanse your home, connect with your family, and get in touch with your emotions. On a deeper level, you have the ability to make a fresh start with your inner world. It’s been a long journey, dear Aquarius, and you may have been feeling like you were in a state of limbo for a while there. But now that Pluto is settled within your sign for the next two decades, you’re being given the chance to start over in a major way. And with Jupiter in its last two months cruising the sign of Taurus, this is the perfect time to create the home life that you desire. Whether it’s through redecorating, moving, or simply changing the way you interact with your loved ones. Do what feels right to you, and take it step by step.