Aquarius, if you’re not tending to your pleasure, it’s time to stop what you’re doing, and connect with your senses and earthly needs. On Wednesday, the Moon in Sag comes into an uplifting connection with Saturn, and then clashes with Neptune and Jupiter. You’ve been really learning about your boundaries these past months, and right now people may try to test them. Don’t give more of what you want to give in the places where you perceive a lack of respect. As the day comes to an end, the Moon will enter Capricorn, and you may feel the need to retreat. I know it isn’t always easy to find the space to be alone, or to feel safe. If you can’t create this space for yourself on Thursday, at least make sure not to doubt what you know you need. The space within yourself is your sovereign land, and nobody can tell you how to be and to feel within your own body.