Key themes: expanding your perspectives, being with your healing process, letting go of what doesn’t serve, planting seeds towards your professional growth, taking a leap, reassessing how you want to keep moving forward, taking good care of yourself
Dear Aquarius, the month of October begins with a reminder to stop reminiscing and dwelling in the past. Step into the path that’s right in front of you, the one that will lead you forward. There’s so much to be conquered and these next two weeks and a half can help you get clear and lay out a plan of action. Take things step by step. Know that you’re exactly where you need to be. As Mercury will be transiting Libra in your area of freedom and philosophical pursuits, indulge in your desire to learn something new. Let your mind be blown, let your perspectives shift. Keep expanding.
On the 8th, Venus is entering Virgo, where it will be during the next month, bringing some sweetness into your spaces of intimacy, your shared resources and your collaborations. When it comes to investments, loans, debts and grants, follow your intuition. You may feel rawer than usual this month, so be gentle with yourself if anxiety emerges. Accept the invitation of turning your pain into beauty, of transforming your grief, loss or sorrow into poetry and art. It doesn’t have to be for the world to see. It can be just for you, and your intimate circle if you wish. This is a time to heal.
Pluto is going direct on the 10th, where it will make its last stretch through Capricorn before heading back into Aquarius in January. These past 15 years have been intense, as Pluto has been taking you on a ride to purge from your subconscious the things that drain you and weigh you down. Keep cultivating your need for deep rest and relaxation, keep creating spaces where you can escape from the buzz of social media and be free from screen time.
On the 12th, Mars will enter its home sign of Scorpio, helping us all get deep and serious about the pursuit of our goals. The next month and a half will be the perfect time to get things done. This is a very high point for you professionally. This is the time to take those first steps, to plant those seeds towards the things you want to see grow within your professional life in the long run. This is no time to doubt or to sell yourself short. Just go for it!
Eclipse Season is back, as we welcome the New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra becoming exact at 1:55 pm on the 14th. This will bring an expanse in your perspectives. This Eclipse wants you to understand just how free you are. It wants you to ask yourself what you want to do with your freedom. This is an invitation to take a leap of faith. You know what you need to do in order to move beyond what you have grown way too comfortable putting up with. Outgrowing people and situations is only natural. What shouldn’t be taken as natural is staying there anyways. You don’t need to prove anything to anybody but yourself. Take the leap!
We welcome Scorpio Season, with Mercury entering Scorpio on the 22nd, followed by the Sun on the 23rd. This is a great time to review your career and life path. What are your goals and how are you approaching them? Does your approach help you to feel more or less empowered? If your ambitions have been turning into a cause of stress, take the time to reassess how you want to keep moving forward. Make sure to find ways for your goals to serve as impulse for your creative energy.
The month of October comes to an end with the second Eclipse of the Season, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, becoming exact at 4:24 pm on the 28th. This is a super rich time for exploring nurturing ways of taking care of yourself. This Eclipse wants you to cultivate settings where your body and your nervous system can just relax. Take your needs more seriously, and try being playful about it, try things out and if they don’t work try something else. Tend to clearing out any emotional patterns that no longer offer safety. Tend to mothering yourself in ways your parents couldn’t.