Key themes: shadow work, rest, release, deep sleep, alone time, collaborations, financial negotiations, loving conversations, mending bonds, prioritizing your time, pleasure, healthy boundaries.

Dear Aquarius, as July swoops in with the Full Moon in Capricorn becoming exact on the 3rd at 7:38 am EST, it begs you to just do you. There are things in your life that are culminating, and your body, emotionality and nervous system are in need of deep rest and renewal. Also, the projects that you have been developing behind the scenes will be pulled to your focus. They need to be nurtured and protected a bit longer, as soon enough they will be ready to come out into the light. Enjoy this time with them, where it’s just you that knows and that is feeding into their potential.

As Mars enters Virgo on the 10th, it brings the ideal energy for collaborations and for merging financial resources. If you’ve been meaning to apply for loans, grants, or scholarships this is the time. If a negotiation or exchange feels off, trust your instinct, don’t go into any financial business out of fear or urgency. Don’t despair, trust that what’s truly for you will come.

On the 11th, we have another shift in energy when Mercury moves into Leo in your area of partnerships and commitment, where you’ll feel the urge to speak from the heart. Your closest relationships will serve as mirrors during the next two and a half weeks, reflecting the parts of yourself that are craving to be seen. Allow yourself to play, and communicate your needs clearly with as much warmth and childlike innocence as possible.

As the North Node enters Aries for the next 18 months on the 17th, it brings focus to your daily activities. Many things come to fruition with the right routines, but little can be done with the wrong ones. You have much to say. Make sure that you’re not wasting your time and energy on projects that don’t make space for the messages you most want to bring to the world. If you find that the sentiments and ideas that move you are missing from the popular dialogue, it’s your task to start the conversation.

The Sun enters the passionate sign of Leo on the 22nd, shining a light on your partnerships and commitments. Venus goes retrograde on the same day, and will be in backwards motion for the next six weeks. What will come up for review will have to do with the ideas and myths that you hold when it comes to relationships, commitment and pleasure. Is it possible that the narratives that you hold around love are keeping you from what feels good?

On the next day, Chiron goes retrograde in Aries, inviting you to be more present in the most mundane everyday activities and interactions. This is where the healing is taking place. How are you a part of your environment?

Pluto will find itself right in the middle between the North and South Node on the 23rd, 25th and 28th. Here Pluto is serving as a link between the past and the future, pointing towards what we need to let go of in order to move forward. Pluto is inviting you to tap into the ways your body and soul are in need of rest, recoup and healing. There’s so much for you to release during what’s left of the year, and this requires stillness and the willingness to go through it. This process will make it easier for you to connect with —and be able to more freely— speak your truth.

On the 28th, Mercury will enter Virgo, reminding you of the importance of investing your time and your energy wisely. You are your most valuable asset. Avoid burning out, and be picky about what you put yourself into.