Aquarius, we’re just a few days away from our Full Moon in the sign of the Sun: Leo. The warm and playful energy of Leo is all about creative self-expression. It’s the way we come into this life knowing we deserve to reach our dreams, simply because we dreamt them. Leo is your opposite sign Aquarius, so these energies could feel a little unintuitive. Over the next few days you’re invited to honor yourself. Look at any areas where you’re self-sacrificing, prioritizing others before yourself, or where you should simply be cutting yourself some slack. Notice any areas where you’re not allowing yourself to be playful, child-like or have fun. You deserve to enjoy the ride you’re on – and beautifully, this is how you’ll most effectively help and inspire those around you. You’re wrapping up the end of your season, so make these last days count! Spoil yourself, celebrate yourself and have fun.