KnowLeo Scope: Mar 15 – 17, 2024

This weekend will spark your sense of belonging, with the Gemini Moon’s void energy on Saturday night and the First Quarter Moon also in Gemini Sunday at midnight. The void is about learning to be present with what is, rather than always seeking what’s next. This is a good time to focus on tying up loose ends within your relationships and decluttering your contacts lists. Leo, it’s normal to have doubts about what you’re capable of, but what if you stopped putting so much pressure on yourself and focused on just taking it one step at a time? Lean on your community and the people that have your back. The Moon then shifts into Cancer in your area of healing and spirituality on Sunday, where the invitation will be to rest and unwind.

KnowLeo Scope: Mar 13 – 14, 2024

Leo, it’s time to step into your power. With the Moon currently in Taurus in your career sector and the Sun in the dreamy sign of Pisces, you’re invited to open up to your deepest desires and to listen to your inner voice. This is not the time to be swayed by the outside world, but to tune into what it is you really want. Mercury entered Aries on the 9th, boosting our mental energy and confidence. We may be more headstrong and impulsive, and may be prone to acting without fully considering our options. This is a great time for you to harness this fiery energy, to really take a leap of faith and to trust in yourself, your abilities, the experiences you’re met with, and your inner wisdom.

KnowLeo Scope: Mar 11 – 12, 2024

Leo, Venus enters Pisces on Monday, where it will be for the next 3.5 weeks, and it’s a great time to ask yourself how much you’ve been in tune with your heart’s desires. You may have been so focused on what you have to do or what you’re being called to do that you’ve forgotten to slow down and check in with yourself. If this is the case, it’s time to switch up your priorities. What would make you feel most at peace, most loved, most secure? Make time to create that life for yourself. Remember that every feeling that you have has a right to exist. Allowing your feelings to roam freely helps them to transform or even dissolve. It’s ok to be emotional and vulnerable, trust that your boundaries are there to let you know when, where, with whom and how much is ok.

KnowLeo Scope: Mar 8 – 10, 2024

The best way to harness this weekend’s energy, Leo, is by being mindful of your words and how you express yourself. While Sunday’s New Moon will encourage introspection, Mercury’s entry into Aries on Saturday, particularly affecting your sector of philosophical journeys, invites you to pursue your most expansive desires with boldness and assertiveness. Over the next two months, it’s an opportune time for direct conversations about matters that excite you and broaden your perspectives. On Sunday, we have the New Moon in Pisces, exact at 5:00 am EST, connecting you with your inner healer. Let your emotions be felt. Give your emotional journey the support it needs. Work on cultivating compassion for the parts of yourself that struggle. This time is about finding a balance between vulnerability and healthy boundaries.

KnowLeo Scope: Mar 6 – 7, 2024

Seek out support and guidance today, Leo. The Capricorn Moon void of course, is an invitation to give structure to your aspirations. What would it take for you to commit to your service? How can you infuse your life with the structure and discipline needed to have a healthier life? The Moon then moves into Aquarius on Wednesday late afternoon, and with so much activity in Pisces and Aquarius, your imagination is sparked, and you can find yourself daydreaming and getting lost in thought. This is a good thing. You need this to be able to know what you want. And rightnow, you’re being called to ground your dreams. To commit to making your dreams a reality. What can you do to become more grounded in your daydreams? Note that Mercury will soon enter Aries, indicating a shift in your communication and thought processes, but for now, speak from a place of passion, and have more intimate conversations.

KnowLeo Scope: Mar 4 – 5, 2024

The Moon is still in the adventurous sign of Sag until Monday afternoon, inviting you to infuse your life with more meaning, to open your eyes to the beauty that surrounds you, and to infuse your body with the light of consciousness. Leo, allow for your heart to open up to new possibilities and new ways of expressing your creativity. The Moon then shifts into Capricorn for the next 2.5 days, stirring up some emotions at work or in regards to the projects that you are currently working on. A desire to strive for more? A need to transform and renew your dedication to the job?A realization that you have outgrown it? Craving something new? Give yourself the room these days to analyze, review and expand. You’ve got to be able to bring more for you into the work that you do.