KnowLeo Scope July 27, 2024

Dear Skymates, I kindly interrupt your normal daily horoscope programming to let you know that the paperback version of my astrology book comes out soon, on August 6, and i’m offering a personalized compatibility report to those who preorder and submit their receipt via my site by Aug 6th 🙂 If you’ve been a fan of KTZ’s free horoscopes this past decade, we’d love for you to show us some love beyond your likes and pre-order S&S if you feel called. This book will help you understand your astrological compatibility with all 12 zodiac signs, and your bonus compatibility report will give you a deeper awareness of your astro connection with the skymate of your choice. Thank you to everyone who already has pre-ordered my book. If you haven’t yet, you can do so via the link in my bio ( I appreciate you all! Love, Dossé-Via

KnowLeo Scope July 26, 2024

Leo, today is a day for taking action on your dreams. With the Aries Moon void of course, it’s best to focus on tying up loose ends rather than beginning new projects. The waning gibbous phase is all about reflection and preparation. How can you make the most of the upcoming New Moon in your sign? It’s time to clear out what no longer serves you. This may mean giving yourself some extra time and space to get in touch with your feelings. It’s time to put yourself out there. Make a point of reaching out to people who inspire you. You never know what new doors might open up. As Chiron begins its retrograde motion today, it’s also an ideal moment to heal old wounds related to your beliefs and long-term visions.

KnowLeo Scope July 25, 2024

With the Moon moving from dreamy Pisces into daring Aries and Mercury entering Virgo, it’s a good time to start wrapping up loose ends and clearing out your to-do list. A new cycle is about to begin. You’re in the mood to be productive and to be of service to those around you. Just make sure that you’re not trying to do too much at once and that you’re also taking care of your own needs. What are some changes you can make in your daily routine to make it more manageable and peaceful? Cherish the simple joys of life and appreciate the value in everyday moments. Embrace this moment to communicate your needs and nurture your resources with clarity and care, finding beauty in the balance of practicality and grace.

KnowLeo Scope July 24, 2024

The days after a significant lunar event are always about grounding ourselves, Leo. Now that we’ve had a few days to reflect, we should collectively make time to get clear about the next steps we should take. Leo, if you’ve been wanting to take a trip or make a bold move, the Universe is giving you the green light. Just make sure you’re not doing so impulsively. Ensure that you’ve thought things through and have a clear plan of action. This is a good time to look into personal growth opportunities or expand your horizons. Are you ready to claim the path you are on, with all that it asks of you, and all that it asks you to give up, miss out on, or forgo for it?

KnowLeo Scope July 23, 2024

The day kicks off with the Moon in Aquarius, making it a great time to focus on your relationships and enjoy some quality time with your favorite people. Later in the morning, the Moon moves into Pisces, bringing a deeper, more introspective vibe. Dive into those meaningful conversations and embrace any emotional transformations coming your way. This time is all about growing closer and more connected. With the Sun in your sign, you’re shining, and you know it. Use this time to get your work out there, to get your face out there, to get your love out there. There’s no need to hide or play it safe. Go all in, even if you’re afraid. Do it in spite of the fear.

KnowLeo Scope July 22, 2024

The day after the Full Moon in Capricorn, we should collectively focus on clearing out the old and making way for a bright new beginning. Leo, the past few weeks may have been full of ups and downs in your work and routines, but this Full Moon will help you focus on the bigger picture and not get caught up in the little things. You’re learning to be more detached and observant, realizing that you can’t control everything. You can only control your reactions to what happens, and the more you master that art, the more at peace you’ll feel with your life. The Sun enters your sign today, so get ready for a month where you’ll blossom in your own time and in your own way.