KnowCapricorn Scope: Mar 25 – 26, 2024

The Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Libra wants to enhance our ability to connect with others as we may collectively be focused on finding balance in our lives. Capricorn, it’s a good time to check in with yourself and see if you’re being too hard on yourself or others. This Eclipse is casting a light upon all you have been working on and towards. It’s an opportunity to see what you no longer need to strive to achieve and what you still do. Your ruler Saturn is currently in Pisces, the sign that deals with your spiritual beliefs and healing journey. You’re learning how to let go of control when it comes to relationships, and you’re allowing yourself to trust the flow of life more. Keep practicing this way of being…

KnowCapricorn Scope: Mar 22 – 24, 2024

With the Moon spending most of the weekend in the sign of Virgo, we’re being encouraged towards grounding ourselves and getting back in touch with our center. We can take the time to integrate all that’s being revealed, healed, and celebrated within us. Capricorn, you’re learning how to let go of control over what you feel or what other people feel. It’s okay if things are a bit up in the air right now when it comes to your personal life or love life. The Pisces energy in the cosmos is teaching you how to be more present and at peace with what is, rather than always trying to map out your next move or know where everything’s headed. You can prepare for the Full Moon in Libra which is ushering in the first eclipse season of the year by checking in on your life path. Where are you headed?

KnowCapricorn Scope: Mar 20 – 21, 2024

What have you been able to build with others, Capricorn? This is what is being highlighted and nurtured these days with the Waxing Gibbous Moon moving through the fiery sign of Leo. Learning how to be in partnership requires a certain amount of vulnerability. Being open to feedback, being willing to be reflective, and being able to witness the feelings that arise within you as you learn, work, and grow together is the best way to form strong and long lasting collaborations. Are you allowing yourself to be this open and vulnerable? Are there power dynamics that don’t allow you to let your guard down within your work or love duos? What do you feel needs to be addressed, nurtured and healed?

KnowCapricorn Scope: Mar 18 – 19, 2024

A moment of truth may be at hand today, Capricorn. This is a good time to look back and see how far you’ve come. The Moon in Cancer, is emphasizing relationships and agreements as it transits your area of partnerships and commitments. Meanwhile, your ruler Saturn in Pisces suggests a period of direct, meaningful action. Make sure not to take on more than you can handle right now. Try not to get lost in confusion and daydreaming. As the Sun shifts into Aries on Tuesday, making way for the new astrological year, use this time to bring your life into order and make some room for what offers you physical and emotional security. Check in on your family ties, and the relationships with the friends that are like family. Check in on your home, are there any changes that need to be made in order for you to feel more welcomed and comfy within your space?

KnowCapricorn Scope: Mar 15 – 17, 2024

Seek balance in your life this weekend, Capricorn. We’re navigating through a Waxing Crescent Moon in Gemini, which will be void on Saturday night, and come into its First Quarter phase Sunday at midnight. This is a good time to tune into your inner rhythms and make space to move at your own pace. It’s important not to overdo it right now. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Find the middle ground between being self-centered and giving too much of yourself away. How can you honor your needs without disregarding those of others? On Sunday the Moon shifts into the sign of Cancer, nurturing your area of partnerships. Show up for and contribute to the magic that your unions can create!

KnowCapricorn Scope: Mar 13 – 14, 2024

Capricorn, your sector of fun and adventure is activated by the Moon currently moving through the earthy sign of Taurus, helping you set intentions for the type of lifestyle you wish to cultivate. You may have previously been too focused on work or family matters to really indulge in fun or prioritize self-care. The energy of these days is waking you up to create more balance between your responsibilities and your desires. With your ruler Saturn moving through the sign of Pisces in your area of communication, part of this creative playfulness can come through your words and your ideas. Write poetry, start a podcast, express yourself a bit more on social media, cultivate more spaces of conversation and exchange of ideas, or just write down your thoughts in your personal diary.