KnowCancers Scope: Apr 8 – 9, 2024

Cancer, with the Solar Eclipse in Aries in full swing, you’re considering what changes would be beneficial for you, which ones can lead you to your greater goals, and help you get into some brand-new scenarios where people aren’t using your goodwill as a reliable resource. It may feel daunting at first, especially since we’re still in eclipse and retrograde season. It’s like deciding what hairstyle (if any) looks best on you when all you want to do is take off your wig and go balder than bald, figuratively or literally. But the experimental nature of the cosmos under this wildly symbolic eclipse conveys enough wisdom for you to trust yourself as you evolve. Deep down, you know exactly what to do.

KnowCancers Scope: Apr 5 – 7, 2024

Cancer, this weekend’s dark-of-the-moon period in Pisces is marked by soulful vibrations. You’re being invited to get clear on what doesn’t bring you joy as we round the corner toward the New Moon in Aries. Can you give yourself a little more grace and compassion on this road to evolution? As you reflect on what you’re ready to release, allow yourself to take it step by step, without feeling the pressure of all the Fire energy in the cosmos. Just because you’re excited about all of your new projects and opportunities doesn’t mean you have to take on the world in one day. Release the urge for immediate change or results so that you can better focus on the present moment.

KnowCancers Scope: Apr 3 – 4, 2024

Cancer, you may still be feeling the remnants of last week’s lunar eclipse in Libra. You’re encouraged to use these next few days before the Aries Solar Eclipse to release the pain that has remained unspoken for far too long. Bring to the forefront nostalgic thoughts and intentions that illuminate your past especially as it pertains to visions for a future that feels more welcoming. You’ve come so far when it comes to owning your life purpose and sharing it with others. What’s deeply nurturing right now is to hear back from all those who have benefited from being in your energy. Listen to their words of gratitude, and be open to receiving their healing energy too. Reciprocity in this season is key.

KnowCancers Scope: Apr 1 – 2, 2024

You are thinking a lot about your identity and all the different layers of who you are, Cancer. You can tangibly feel your energy regrouping as we head towards next week’s Solar Eclipse in Aries. Spend several minutes today counting your blessings and acknowledging how far you’ve gotten either co-creating, building or mending key aspects of your life. These reflections will guide you in knowing what your next quest or adventure needs to be. Maybe it’s learning how to stand up for yourself consistently. Perhaps it’s becoming better at setting healthy boundaries. Or perhaps it involves being more transparent with yourself and all those involved when expressing creative ideas…

KnowCancers Scope: Mar 29 – 31, 2024

It’s a good time to start clearing space on multiple fronts in our lives. The less clutter energetically and physically, the better. The weekend begins with the Moon still in the intense sign of Scorpio, where it will shift into adventurous Sag on Friday afternoon, inspiring you to take deep care of your mind, body, and soul. Cancer, what may have felt cloudy or stagnant may start to evaporate. You’ll feel freer, with a desire to begin anew and reimagine what life can feel like when you remove the ties that bind. This is not something that’ll happen overnight though — just as change is gradual, so is learning how to embody a new way of living and loving yourself and existing on this Earthly plane.

KnowCancers Scope: Mar 27 – 28, 2024

Now that we’re officially in eclipse season, we’re all universally feeling the intensity building in our lives. For you, Cancer, humanity is benefiting from your ability to find balance between what’s fact and what’s fiction. This ever-developing project of yours — combining spirituality with reason. You’ll definitely become more comfortable traversing this road as the Scorpio Moon picks up pace, but you must remember that things in the external world are changing rapidly too, and not everyone has caught up to your intentional mindset yet. Just breathe through it all, tend to yourself abundantly too in the process. Be creative about it, connect to the things that you’re passionate about. Remember that life is best lived when you find ways to enjoy it.