Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself. I wanted to start off the scopes with a Martin Luther King Jr. quote, as the week begins with his day, and as his life and resistance resonate so much with this 20 year Pluto in Aquarius transit that we’re just on the threshold of. Pluto and the Sun meet on the 20th, the same day that Pluto moves back into Aquarius and that the Sun gives way to Aquarius Season. The entrance of this two decades long transit is shaking the foundations of your identity and your journey of self-discovery. Your personal path and sense of self will be going through a deep transformation. Remain vulnerable and trust the process. Your power and your potential will be finding their way to shine through. Allow yourself to be raw and authentic, as this constant processing will have you feeling perpetually undone, making it hard for you to want to face the world. But this is when you’re most being called to step up, as you learn that we are never fully finished, that we are always in process. This is the kind of vulnerability you’re being called for, to come as you are, no matter how complete or under construction you may feel.