Happy New Year Aquarius! We start the year with Mercury finally moving forward in your area of friendship, community and the causes that move you. If you’ve been feeling especially isolated during the past week or so, things are finally shifting. Hope will shine a light on the horizon. Reach out to those that are partaking in the same kinds of conversations that you are, there’s a lot that can be built together. The Last Quarter Moon in Libra is happening in your area of adventure and philosophical pursuits, inviting you to be more daring. Sometimes we hold back from being adventurous because of all that needs to be done to keep our lives under control. But I feel like the more you say ‘yes’ to those invitations, the more your career will be able to grow and expand. Trust where life seems to be leading you, even when there’s a bit of vertigo involved. On the 4th, Mars enters Capricorn in the deepest area of your chart, inviting you to work behind the scenes. To let go of any baggage that’s weighing you down. Carve out ample time for rest, sleep and inner work during the next six weeks, because when Mars enters your sign in February, it’ll be go time!