Dear Aquarius, as the Moon meets the South Node on the 27th, it brings attention to the teachers, guides or spiritual groups that have run their course along your path towards knowledge. It’s ok, even healthy, to reach a point where you’ve got all there was to get from a certain mentor or teaching, and the time comes to integrate the wisdom and make it your own. Can you identify this process in your current experience? On the 28th, a pretty auspicious alignment is going to occur when both Mercury and Saturn find themselves within the heart of the Sun in your area of resources and self-worth. This will bring clarity to the structures that can help you build a more sustainable lifestyle with greater abundance. It also brings clarity to your inner dialogue when it comes to money. Check in on where you can soften up and become more positive thinking. It’s a beautiful time to have faith instead of doubting your moves towards greater financial freedom. As the week comes to an end with the Last Quarter Moon in Sag, tap into the healing benefits of community, and the importance of tending to these relationships.