Dear Aquarius, your journey of self-discovery is taking on a sense of urgency. The vibes of your sign are reaching new heights! With Mercury, the Sun, and Pluto already making waves, plus Mars and Venus jumping on board to meet them this week in your sign of the water-bearer. This means that your area of self, identity, your image, and personal journey is supercharged. Mars and Venus will both meet Pluto on the 14th and 17th, respectively. When planets step into the cosmic parlor they engage in a lively exchange, so Mars and Venus are getting new info regarding the Pluto Aquarius shift that’s upon us. Your actions (Mars) and your intimacy (Venus) will begin to align with the unfolding realities of the Aquarian paradigm. During the next 20 years, a revolution will be occurring within your personal path and sense of identity. Allow yourself to glow. Bask in your sweetness. Give your body more attention. Do something everyday to affirm you and remind you that you are loved. Surrender to your calling. The Sun moves into Pisces on the 18th, and it’s the time of the year where you become more intentional about where you place your energy and your resources.