Key themes: connection, going within, community, creativity, spirituality, boundaries.

Libra, this month will have you feeling curious and inquisitive, leading you towards making new connections. Connecting with the outside world will surely bring exciting opportunities. But make sure not to forget about your inner realms, and its need for you to go at a slower pace from time to time.

On the 4th, Mercury will enter Virgo until the 25th, where it feels freer. This time will bring lessons, some that may be hard, but that will certainly lead to expansion and growth. This is no time to look outside for answers. Instead of seeing what others are doing, tend to centering yourself so you can live your life more in alignment with your truth.

Venus then enters your area of community on the 11th, inviting you to express your more flashy side within your groups until September 5th. Be extra aware of the dynamics in your friendships. The issues that come up aren’t isolated, they tend to be a product of everything that’s come before and the roles that each person (consciously or unconsciously) occupies.

The Full Moon in Aquarius is happening on the 11th as well, at 9:36 pm EST, and you’ll want to let loose and have some fun. Indulge yourself, go big if that’s what your spirit needs, just make sure not to go overboard in a way that can affect you long term.

On the 20th, Mars leaves the manifesting energy of Taurus and enters the connecting energy of Gemini. This transit will be a long one, going until the end of March 2023. This will be a very expansive time for you, dear Libra. You’ll want to put your energy into the things that uplift your sense of freedom. It may be time for a trip, or to start learning something new, or to embark on a new spiritual path.

Virgo Season swoops in on the 22nd, asking you to clear out the inner clutter. Make space in the back rooms of your life, a space just for yourself, where you can rest, retreat and recoup. Tend to your muses and inspirations. Write down your dreams and the insights that come through. Believe in the magic available and in your power of manifestation.

Uranus will be going retrograde on the 24th for the next five months, bringing your awareness to the ways in which your collaborations are transforming you. You are learning to share only what you can, never more. You are realizing that this is how you get to know your boundaries, and how you cultivate true relationships.

On the 25th, Mercury enters your sign until October 29th, inspiring you to find your mantra. What are the words you want to say to uplift yourself? What are the words that echo your truth? What are the words through which you would like to share yourself with the world?

The month comes to an end with the New Moon in Virgo happening on the 27th at 4:17 am EST, inviting you to let your feelings arise. Let them be heard by you. What you shove down deep stays there, and festers. What you bring out, no matter how painful or uncomfortable, has space for release. And it frees you, it expands and transforms you. Trust. You have the courage to face yourself.