Taurus, you may be out of Scorpio season… but you still have a few lessons to integrate! First, we have a powerful Sagittarius New Moon, on the same day its ruler (Jupiter) ends its retrograde. This auspicious portal will have us collectively dreaming again; widening our visions of life’s infinite possibilities. Taurus, because this Moon activates your sector of the subconscious, healing and transformation – it might feel like there’s a lag on the lightness of Sagittarius season… but you can view this as a gift. One more chance to deeply connect with your inner world and its needs – before you bring this awareness to creating, in your outer world. If you feel any loose threads or emotional blocks remaining, the next few days will be the perfect time for release. Try practices like automatic writing or creating a video diary where you chat to yourself. See what arises, and work (lovingly) with it accordingly.