Taurus, you’re good. On Sunday, we collectively experience the meeting of Mars (planet of action) and Jupiter (planet of expansion), in the powerful sign of Aries. The fiery energy of this conjunction will begin to arise in the days before and continue to reverberate for days after – initiating us into a space of vitality, new paths and empowerment. Taurus, this ignition of energy may be the perfect signature to pull you out of any lethargy, boredom, or helplessness. Your ruler (Venus), is moving back home into your sign on Saturday – and for you, this will feel like beauty and magic is turned up a notch. You may start to feel more grounded and connected to your inner calm than you have for quite a while. The combination of earthy stability and fiery momentum will be the perfect energy for you to begin reflecting, dreaming, planning and taking action. We have the New Moon coming up soon – it’s time to think of what you’re calling in for manifestation.