Skymates, we’ve just had the Libra New Moon and Equinox vibes empowering us as a collective. If you’ve been feeling ‘new chapter’ energy, you’re right. This week is all about taking our first steps through this gateway. Taurus, the planets are highlighting your sector of wellbeing and daily routine. The universe is inviting you to recognize that your health and happiness should be a priority in every moment. Don’t minimize the importance of ‘now,’ for the future. Like attracts like, so by taking actions that make you feel abundant – that’s exactly what you’ll invite in. The opposite is true, so if you’re waiting for better days by just ‘enduring’ life now, you’ll only be moving further away from them. Taurus: spoil yourself, take a nap, book a trip or whatever it takes to feel blessed. You deserve this, and it’s also step one of moving towards the life of your dreams.