It’s the last week of Libra Season, and we’re one week away from the solar eclipse in Scorpio that’ll shake up the status quo. You can probably already sense the shifting seasons and turning tides. Taurus, this eclipse szn is directly impacting you and your relationships, and there’s no need to try to control any of it. I know that’s easier said than done, but it’s also a lesson you’ve been learning since Uranus, the Planet of Unexpected Change, entered your sign in May 2018. The more you try to control things, situations, or people, the more they become out of your control. Begin this week in the spirit of gratitude. Even with life’s plot twists and re-routes, you’ve made it through. This eclipse szn will show you that you don’t always have to be strong. You can also be soft. You can be taken care of. And you can be deeply loved.