How’s work going Taurus? Fresh approaches and opportunities are brewing today, as the Aquarius Moon joins the planet of expansion, Jupiter. Taurus, this planetary connection means we’ll be receiving synchronistic signs that remind us of the needs of our emotional realms. If you’ve been experiencing a discrepancy between your inner and outer worlds… today you might just receive an epiphany or new ideas on how to bridge them. This all moves through your sector of career and long-term goals Taurus. Are there any aspects of your career sphere which are out of alignment with your ambitions or needs? Perhaps you love your line of work, but can’t stand your workplace. Maybe your studies are taking you in a direction you don’t feel certain about. Whatever the case may be, if this resonates open your mind up to all possible options. When we zoom out of our own equations, we’ll almost always find more flexibility than we’d noticed before. Maybe it’s time to tweak a few things, maybe it’s time to search for something new.