It’s a powerful day in the world of astrology. Taurus, today we have the moon conjoining Saturn, Venus and Jupiter – all within the sign of the rule-breaker: Aquarius. Aquarius rules the mental realm, so we’ll likely be receiving revolutionary clarity as to where and how we can improve both our lives, and those of others. Taurus, today you’re reminded of the potential for your career to positively impact the lives of others. As a Taurus, you are a naturally nurturing being. Caring for others is simply a part of who you are. The question is: is this magic power of yours part of the work you’re doing? If not, how can you incorporate it into your career? You’ll benefit yourself by connecting your tasks to meaning, service and a higher purpose. Today the universe invites you to initiate this path, by sharing your grounding, healing presence with those around you. Over the next few days, pay close attention to the energy of others – and if required, be ready to act. Even a simple smile and a few kind words can go a long way in uplifting another’s spirit.