Skymates, on Monday the heat turns up with Mars entering Sagittarius. Stagnancy or lethargy will start to shift; adventues are back on the cards. Taurus, life’s pace has been increasing for you lately, but this burst of energy will give you a deepened sense of empowerment within that. Also on Monday, Mercury moves into Capricorn – causing the collective mentality to switch towards more practical matters. Taurus with this transit, your focus should be on You. You’ve had others on your mind in the last months, but it’s time to prioritize yourself; to wrap up 2021 in a space of self-love. On Tuesday, the Moon will shift into your sign, squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius. Here, the collective can experience a shock or tension between the abundance and ease we seek for our lives; and the current societal limitations on these desires. It could be an intense day for you Taurus. If sudden obstacles (or opportunities!) arise, recognize that you’re more than ready to handle them with strength and grace.