KnowSagittarius Scope: Feb 19 – 20, 2024

Take a step back and in, Sag. The Sun has entered Pisces, inviting you to break free from the confining aspects of life that have been holding you back. This Season is a great time for coming into a more profound alignment with your values, your foundations and your purpose. How do you feel about your place in the world? What are you willing to give in order to make it better? What are you not willing to give? These are some of the questions that can help you get more clear on what’s important for you right now. On Tuesday, Chiron will join the North Node, reminding you of your ability to heal through the expression of your inner child. Make more space in your days for laughter, play, flirting, and letting go.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Feb 16 – 18, 2024

Practice the fine art of planning for your success, Sag. The First Quarter Moon in Taurus, taking place on Friday, is a great time to make some moves on the intentions you may have set during the New Moon in Aquarius of the 9th. With Jupiter also in Taurus, this is a great time to tap into your inner truth and find ways to ground it into your life. What kind of changes within your work, health and wellness routines do you feel can align you more to the path you know is yours to walk on? Additionally, as the Aquarian energy intensifies this weekend with Venus coming into the mix on Friday and joining forces with Pluto on Saturday, it’s an opportune moment to be present with your immediate environment and engage in meaningful conversations. This can help you in finding your way and figuring out where you stand in relationship with others, and where they stand with you.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Feb 14 – 15, 2024

The Moon transitions from Aries into Taurus, emphasizing themes of stability, comfort, and the importance of balancing your work life with your personal life. Sag, your sector of communication is intensified as Mars will meet Pluto here in Aquarius on Valentine’s Day, encouraging you to connect with loved ones. It’s a time for grounding, empowering and innovative conversations that can touch on future plans and personal growth. While deep and meaningful discussions may be on your mind, it’s equally valuable to share in lighter, comforting exchanges. Honor your mood and the mood of those you reach out to, ensuring a fulfilling exchange of ideas and emotions. If you’re single, why not have a Valentine’s friends day?

KnowSagittarius Scope: Feb 12 – 13, 2024

You’re particularly optimistic right now, Sag, as the Moon moves into the fiery sign of Aries on Monday morning in your sector of fun, creativity and romance. May your optimistic energy be contagious. Spread it around and let people know that everything’s going to be okay. Then on Tuesday, Mars will leave Capricorn to meet Pluto, Mercury and the Sun in the sign of Aquarius. During these next 5 weeks you might find yourself feeling more social than usual. Your ability to connect with others will be particularly strong, making it a potent time for engaging in meaningful conversations. If there are people in your circle who could benefit from your warmth and positive outlook, they’ll likely seek you out. Consider this a prime opportunity to have those heart-to-heart discussions that could even end up being transformative.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Feb 9 – 11, 2024

Speak your truth, Sag. The weekend kicks off with the New Moon in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius on Friday, encouraging you to embrace exchanges and conversations that have the power to connect you more deeply with your power and your innovative nature. This is an ideal time to focus on how potent your words can be when they resonate with your inner world. You may have felt your enthusiasm wane under the weight of responsibilities, but this celestial shift invites you to rediscover the magic that life holds when you prioritize being present and saying your piece. Embracing your creativity and desires isn’t about selfishness—it’s about nurturing your well-being.

KnowSagittarius Scope: Feb 7 – 8, 2024

On Wednesday, the Capricorn Moon is inviting you to connect with your sensuality, Sag. The upcoming New Moon vibes will swoop in as the Moon enters Aquarius on Thursday, and you can begin to prepare by reassessing your commitments and how they align with your long-term goals. You’ll find yourself pondering over your relationships, aiming to deepen connections with those who support your ambitions. This could lead you to be more selective about your social circle, letting go of connections that no longer serve your growth. A flirtatious interaction might be just around the corner, but it’s likely to be more grounded and could potentially align with your aspirations, as long as it remains light-hearted.