
June 21 - July 21

KnowCancers Scope: Apr 15 – 16, 2024

Now that we’re in the collective afterglow of last weekend’s Cancer Moon, and feeling more in tune with our sentimental and comforting nature, we are supported in integrating the powerful downloads of intentions that were activated by last week’s New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. Cancer, it may be time to rethink your approach to key relationships in your life. Don’t get stuck in a routine where you do most of the emotional heavy-lifting. While it’s a beautiful thing to be there for people and express your love through nurturing them, you have to protect your own energy and make sure that you are with those who also desire to uplift and take care of you. You will find inner peace by starting off this week setting collective intentions with like-minded souls who are ready for this new era of relating.

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Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility

KTZ Founder Dossé-Via's new book Signs & Skymates is now available! Order it here to deepen your knowledge of yourself and your relationships through a holistic and eye-opening look at astrological compatibility for all zodiac signs. 


Cancers Weekly Scope Feb 26 – Mar 3, 2024

Lovely Cancer, the week ahead will feel gentle and nourishing. Our new Pluto cycle has been a lot over the last weeks – something we’re still collectively adjusting to. The good news is we’re arriving at the point where the first pieces are starting to come together. You might be experiencing a “how did I get here?” kinda vibe, but the universe would like to remind you that some of the biggest blessings in your life likely once came as a surprise. Trust the process! On Tuesday, a tense square between Mars and Jupiter invites you to overcome a personal limitation. Consider the ways where you’re playing it safe, and whether it’s time to approach things differently. Hint: sometimes the answers are right in front of us, and it can be as simple as believing in yourself, and asking. You might feel a burst of inspiration on Thursday, as Mercury in Pisces connects harmoniously with Jupiter. Whether that’s dressing differently or picking up a paintbrush  – now’s the perfect time to nourish your inner child, and creative flow. A magical Scorpio moon will trine Neptune in Pisces over the weekend, illuminating all things cosmic, shadowy and magical. If you’re into it – the portals for tarot, lucid dreaming, and all things etheric are going to be swung wide open.

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About Cancer

Element: Water

Mode: Cardinal

Ruler: The Moon

Where Youll Find Them: Walking down the beach, cooking soul food, snuggling in bed

What They Avoid: Confrontation, deadlines, and overly aggressive situations

Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is quite possibly the most sensitive but you wouldnt outwardly know it. Cancers symbol is The Crab, and this explains their tendency to hide in their shell whenever the outward world gets too tough to handle. As a Water sign ruled by the Moon, Cancer is deeply emotional, and easily absorbs the vibes in their environment. Cancer is full of compassion for the world, particularly the underprivileged, the needy, children, animals, and the oppressed. There is a nostalgic element to Cancer that can lead to them living in the past and having trouble letting go.

Professionally, Cancer is a great collaborator and team-player. However, sometimes they remain in the background for far too long, out of fear of stepping into the spotlight. Cancers make incredible artists, but they can be overly protective of their work rather than sharing their art with the world. If Cancer is able to overcome such shyness, their art and transparency can heal the world. Cancers nurturing spirit also makes them great therapists, teachers, interior designers, cooks, and spiritual healers. Theres something about Cancer that is full of wisdom, making them old souls. Thats why people may joke around and call them the grandparents of the zodiac, even in their youth.

Cancer loves to take care of those they love, so having a Cancer as a friend is a true blessing. What Cancer must learn, however, is to establish healthy boundaries and not let their generosity or kindness be taken advantage of. Sometimes Cancer gives away too much of their energy, and if its not reciprocated it can feel very painful. Instead of directly letting the person know about that pain, Cancer may resort to passive-aggressive behavior, and that only exacerbates the problem. Cancer therefore will benefit from being more honest and assertive in friendships and relationships.

As a lover, while Cancer may be very slow to trust and open up to you, they are definitely some of the biggest believers in love. Many Cancers dream of having a family and being married to their soulmate, and this can lead to them becoming deeply invested in the relationships they pursue, to the point of sometimes being clingy or possessive of their lover(s). This can sometimes scare their lover(s) away, but at other times it reassures their lover(s) of Cancers loyalty. Whatever the case may be, Cancer would benefit from directing all of that love and attention they offer others back to themselves first and foremost. Cancers greatest lesson is to put their own self first and cater to their own needs consistently. In doing so, theyre able to extend the purest type of love into the lives of those around them.