
April 20 - May 20

KnowTaurus Scope: Apr 29 – 30, 2024

With your sectors of adventure and self-expression activated, these days you should say yes to the fun things, Taurus. Venus enters its place of exaltation in the sign of Taurus for around a month, starting on April 29th. Having experienced Venus in Aries these past four weeks, you may have felt some levitation amidst times that are very heavy due to inner and outer processes taking place worldwide. Now, with Venus back at home in earthy Taurus, you’re able to connect with ease, openness, and loyalty while tapping into your sensuality and otherworldly natures. Enjoy these magical weeks by seeking more grounding through nature, embodiment practices, or introspection.

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Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility

KTZ Founder Dossé-Via's new book Signs & Skymates is now available! Order it here to deepen your knowledge of yourself and your relationships through a holistic and eye-opening look at astrological compatibility for all zodiac signs. 


Taurus Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Taurus, you have a powerful week ahead of you. Our first eclipse of the year unfolds with a Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, exact at 3:00 am EST. This eclipse illuminates your sector of routine and well-being, inviting you to revive or delve into new self-care practices. Because it’s a south-nodal eclipse, themes of the past may come through – particularly relative to relationships. Don’t be alarmed if your exes feel more present in your mind than usual, it may simply be part of the releasing process. Honor this alongside your softness, allowing the emotional currents to gently guide you into a deeper understanding of your needs. On March 28th, a harmonious sextile between your planetary ruler (Venus) and Uranus (who transits your sign), will feel hopeful and synchronistic. This mini-portal offers an opportunity to become even more present with your blessings, as they flow through. If you feel ready to release anything that no longer resonates with who you’re becoming, know that the universe supports you in this. Reminder: the more space you create, the more it can gift you.

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About Taurus

Element: Earth

Mode: Fixed

Ruling Planet: Venus, the Planet of Love & Beauty

Where Youll Find Them: Planting an epic garden, reading a novel, searching for food somewhere

What They Avoid: Small talk, unnecessary outings, and unexpected change

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is symbolized by The Bull. True to its symbol, Taurus is stubborn and inflexible, but also very loyal and self-aware. Taurus is all about security and practicality. They’re the type of person who can remain grounded and solution-oriented. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the Planet of Connection, and is therefore prone to seeking comfort and indulgence. Since Taurus is a sign of extremes — they vacillate between feeling very motivated and productive to feeling sluggish or complacent. As an Earth sign, Taurus benefits from spending time in nature and connecting with the world around them rather than getting lost in the material world.

Taurus is independent and loves their solitude. Professionally, they’d like a career that allows them to call the shots from behind-the-scenes. Taurus prefers working on their own rather than in a big group — they don’t like having to take direction from others. Many Taurus will end up owning their own business or working from home for this reason. Taurus is also a natural artist, but they sometimes hesitate to fully tap into that side of them because they don’t think it will be as financially secure. The ironic part is that if Taurus invests their self wholeheartedly in what they’re truly passionate about, the money and success often follows.

Taurus must learn to control their anger, because while it takes them a while to really get angry, when they do it’s not pretty. Taurus tends to hold a lot of their true self in, and this can make them hard to get to know. But once a Taurus lets you into their life, you see a side of them they rarely show anyone else. Stay on a Taurus’ good side and you’ll have a loyal friend for life. Taurus cares deeply about their friends and family and will go above and beyond for their well-being, but you have to be deserving of that energy first. Taurus has exceptionally high standards and expectations.

Being ruled by Venus makes Taurus one of the most sensual, romantic signs of the zodiac. But you wouldn’t necessarily know that upon first glance because there is a deeply guarded side to Taurus. They’re cautious of letting new people into their lives, so it will take a very patient and special person to unlock the key to Taurus’ heart and have them let down their guard. Taurus commits to those they love in an intense, often possessive way, so getting in a relationship with a Taurus is not for the faint of heart. You’re either in or you’re out with Taurus — no in-between.