
November 22 - December 21

KnowSgittarius Scope: Apr 29 – 30, 2024

Make the most of your talents this week, Sagittarius. Venus has entered Taurus for the next four weeks, lightening up our relationships and giving us more of a sense of what we’re not willing to do in order to make things work. It’s a good time to look at where we hold back and where we give too much. With your ruler Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Taurus, there’s no telling how the week may go. The best thing is to stay grounded in what you can do, without expecting too much from others or yourself. Remain open to shifts in your routine that can bring more meaning into your life. And if it feels right, don’t hesitate to be the one that brings positive shifts into other people’s lives as well.

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Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility

KTZ Founder Dossé-Via's new book Signs & Skymates is now available! Order it here to deepen your knowledge of yourself and your relationships through a holistic and eye-opening look at astrological compatibility for all zodiac signs. 


Sagittarius Weekly Scope Mar 25 – 31, 2024

Dear Sagittarius, Eclipse season is officially here. Our Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse takes place on Monday, at 3:00 am EST. Activating your sector of belonging, you’re being invited to explore and redefine your relationship with networking and community. How connected do you feel, to and within the world? What could be better? Who are you grateful for? You’re a highly independent sign, but this will be a time to reflect on where you would benefit from more support from those around you. Whether that’s in a career sense; financially, spiritually or emotionally – being honest and vulnerable with yourself will pay off here. Indeed, there’ll be a sense of vulnerability and nostalgia flavoring the whole week, as south-nodal eclipses tend to bring up themes from the past. Avoid distracting yourself from this, by increasing the space between your tasks. Even taking a couple of minutes to simply witness your breath and the flavor of your thoughts can be enough to reorient your whole day. The Moon will enter your sign towards the end of the week, evoking a sense of playfulness and passion again. We’ve collectively experienced a challenging few months, but the silver lining is they’ve better informed you of what you truly desire. Now, go after it.

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About Sagittarius

Element: Fire

Mode: Mutable

Ruling Planets: Jupiter, the Planet of Luck & Abundance

Where Youll Find Them: Traveling the world, teaching at a university, learning belly dancing

What They Avoid: 9-5 jobs, following the established norms, being politically correct

Sagittarius, symbolized by the Archer half human, half horse is arguably the most positive and optimistic sign of the zodiac. When you think of a Sag, the bow and arrow pointed towards the sky comes to mind, and thats an adequate way of describing a Sagittarius: always reaching for greater heights, seeking to expand their horizons and reach for beyond. Sagittarius is the philosopher, the forward-thinker, the idealist and the philosopher of the zodiac. Sagittarius will lead to you viewing life, and yourself, from a different vantage point, and this is one of their strongest traits.

Professionally, Sagittariuswere born to teach and to learn. Even if they dont pursue higher education, they’ll be self-taught. Their desire to absorb knowledge is contagious, which is why they often make excellent educators, gurus, mentors, advisors, and counselors. Sagittarius is multi-talented and easily inspired. This can be a great combination, but it can also lead to them starting many projects that they dont always complete. Sag tends to have a short attention span, so they’re constantly in search of stimulation, adventure and action. They thrive when they can exert themselves in a physical way. They may be drawn to spending time outdoors, dancing, sports, and acting. 

As a friend, Sagittarius is able to seek out whats unique and interesting in anyone they meet. This makes them popular and influential, because they make friends with people from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures. Sagittarius has high ideals and could spend hours debating people and trying to get them to see things from their perspective. While they have a stubborn streak, Sag is definitely an open-minded sign, and theyll listen to the various opinions while remaining true to their own. Sag is extraverted for the most part, and can have quite the wild social life. They cant be tamed, and they definitely can’t be controlled. 

As lovers, Sag tends to press the pause button before letting their emotions be shown in an intimate relationship. Sag may feel more comfortable as friends or hook-up buddies at first, but this may be a self-protective way of not letting people see what makes them tick. Sag tends to keep things light-hearted for the longest amount of time possible. When they do fall in love, its as if they never saw it coming, and all of a sudden theyre head over heels in love. Some Sagges may appear to be commitment-phobic, and this can cause their partner(s) or love interests to worry about whether theyre in it for the long haul. The truth is that you never truly know. You have to wait and see. Sag lives in the present moment, and trusts what their instincts are telling them to do. If you love a Sag, celebrate their freedom.