Monthly Horoscopes
KTZ’s November 2022 Forecast
Welcome to November — the peak of eclipse season. The 11th month of the year. How did we get here so quickly? Why does everything seem to be going increasingly fast? These are some of the questions we’ll ask of ourselves, and of Mars, the Planet of Action, which is spending its first full month retrograde in the sign of Gemini. Mars’ transit in Gemini since this past August may explain why the second half of 2022 seems to be flying by. Mars is all about action, and Gemini’s about communication.
But now that it’s eclipse season (we experience a Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus on the 8th of November), and Mars is retrograde all month, we are being asked to slow down when it comes to the actions we take, and the words we say. Less is more. Repurposing and recycling is smarter than starting or launching something brand new. Mars Retrograde encourages all signs to also pay attention to their relationship with sex, especially since the South Node is currently in Scorpio. Which sexual habits serve us, and which ones harm us?
Some skymates may practice celibacy or decide to be more moderate when it comes to dating and connecting sexually with partners. The key is to let yourself flow through the unknowns, especially during the Taurus Lunar Eclipse, because by month’s end your most important priorities, relationships, and responsibilities will be fully revealed to you.