Virgo: August 22 – September 21

Element: Earth

Mode: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Mercury, the Planet of Communication

Where Youll Find Them: Organizing their closet, setting up a lunch date weeks in advance, studying in a cozy library.

What They Avoid: Messy environments, gossip, nosy people.

Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, is symbolized by the Virgin, but it doesnt mean that Virgos a goody two shoes as some might think. Instead, it symbolizes the purist mindset of the earthy Virgos soul. Virgo is the sign that wants to strip down, take away all the fluff, and go back to the basics. The minimalist of the zodiac, Virgo seeks to live and exist in a clean, clear, stress-free environment. The ironic part of that desire is that Virgos often stress themselves out by trying to restore order to their lives. Virgo is often focused on the small details of life that everyone else misses. They find peace in routine and structure, and they love feeling efficient, useful and in control.

Professionally, Virgos work well alone as well as in a team, and they often get the job done better than everyone else (but they still beat themselves up about how they could have done an even better job). Virgo is a perfectionist, and while this can lead to them creating phenomenal works of art, it can also lead to them paralyzing themselves and never putting their work out there out of fear of failure or ridicule. Virgos can suffer from a low self-esteem due to the super high standards they place on themselves. This can also lead to nervousness consuming them, which is why Virgo would benefit from introducing meditation into their daily routine, as well as gentle exercise and frequent time spent outdoors, simply breathing and letting go.

As friends, Virgos may at first come off as cold or unfeeling, when in reality they are just cautious of who they let into their intimate circle. If you become one of those lucky people, youll see the wild, untamed Virgo come out. This side of Virgo is unpredictable and exciting. Virgo isnt always a gentle soul, watching quietly from the background. They can be reckless and fearless, going out all night and talking to new people left and right. They just have to be in a certain mood and around the right people in order to activate that side. Ultimately, Virgo seeks friends who wont judge them and whom they can feel comfortable letting loose around.

In love, Virgos are often depicted as being prudes, but once again, its just a self-defense mechanism. In fact, Virgo can be one of the most sexual signs of the zodiac when they merge with the right person. Virgo is much more about fostering a deep intellectual connection with someone first and then falling in love with their body next. Once that happens, you can unlock a very sensual and romantic side of Virgo. Still, Virgo will intellectualize their feelings and put their emotions through a filter before expressing themselves, and that may sometimes make their partner feel like Virgo isnt as emotionally attached to the relationship. Thats not necessarily the case its just that Virgo has a specific way of showing love, mostly through the actions they do. They pay attention to the small stuff their lover needs, and while they can be nitpicked and critical of their partner, it always comes from a place of love and respect. Virgo is all about self and mutual improvement, and they just want a lover to embark on a journey of evolution with.