Taurus, the start of 2024 carried a renewed sense of optimism which has been tested and stretched over the last few weeks of Capricorn season, to say the least. If you’ve had the wind knocked out of your sails, not to worry… the cosmic currents are set to shift this week. Venus (your planetary ruler) will move into Capricorn (Jan 23rd) – reminding you that obstacles and “failures” are simply part of life. Rather than solely looking forward, you’re invited to find gratitude for the present. Challenges and all, you’re surrounded by infinite blessings. Embracing where you are, and keeping a focused gaze on future goals are not contradictory ideas, but rather complimentary. You’ll always create more effectively when your heart feels full. Speaking full hearts, this week’s Leo Full Moon (Jan 25th) is one to give yourself a giant (metaphorical or literal) hug of self-appreciation, and remind yourself that you’re more than worthy of your dreams.